World News: World Leaders See Reckoning Ahead As Corona Virus Containment Ends

The gradual end of containment is causing the world's populations to question the relevance of the means deployed to fight the virus. Legitimate or not, the question invites world leaders to explain themselves. Not without risk.

At a time when the various countries of the world are being deconfined in turn, mourning the dead, masks on their noses and with the fear of suffering one of the worst world recessions ever recorded, it is very likely that now will come the day of accounts.

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Presidents and Heads of Government know that this essential step will punctuate their mandate at the risk of causing their downfall. Democracy does not bother with unnecessary feelings or affect, only the good and the common good count. Because if the health crisis and containment have stifled all disputes, or so weak that they were barely audible, these will now punctuate the weeks and months to come with a nagging question: could we do otherwise?

The questioning, although legitimate, has a limited meaning, however, and some will only retain its legitimacy. Rightly or wrongly, the question will be asked sooner or later and will be at the heart of many electoral deadlines.

Panorama and Fracture

To understand its emergence, a leap into the past is essential. It is not huge because it dates back two months, in the middle of March. What then is the global panorama? A globalized economy in the firmament of its activity, stock markets in a dazzling form, a terrorist threat suppressed, unemployment rates falling steadily in the industrialized countries which then make believe that full employment is attainable shortly. Just a few more efforts and we'll get there!

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And then suddenly everything stops. Emptiness and nothingness settle on a world without noise and without souls who live in the streets. Death lurks. Cascading vertigo and mass amazement. Beyond the lyric flight, a reality is essential. Confinement generated questions, prompted people to question themselves, their way of life but also those who were elected or chosen to lead them.

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As the divide between the political world and civil society has continued to worsen over the years, presidents, heads of government and other ministers have found themselves faced with an unprecedented situation for which, in their defense, they not been trained. But for many of our fellow citizens and citizens around the world, the excuse for inexperience is no longer valid, if it ever was.

Baptism and Tribunal

As we repeat, the dark days are looming, the front COVID-19 almost resembled the Belle Epoque, that which was so named to describe the years preceding the First World War in memory of its alleged sweetness of live even though it was also the bearer of difficulties forgotten a posteriori.

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This health crisis, a veritable baptism of fire for a number of political leaders, accustomed to managing crises that we would describe as classic compared to the one we have just experienced, has revealed the strengths of men and women who are often invisible, the awkwardness, weakness or skill of those in charge.

So ultimately, should we sacrifice on the altar explanations and justifications of the leaders taken aback? The ballot boxes will say it and their sanctions, or their assents, will serve as a basis for those who one day would be faced with such an event, close or distant in its form, to be then in turn placed before the tribunal of responsibilities and that emerges again the same question: how could we have done otherwise?



Bio: Olivier Longhi has extensive experience in European history. A seasoned journalist with fifteen years of experience, he is currently professor of history and geography in the Toulouse region of France. He has held a variety of publishing positions, including Head of Agency and Chief of Publishing. A journalist, recognized blogger, editor and editorial project manager, he has trained and managed editorial teams, worked as a journalist for various local radio stations, a press and publishing consultant, and a communications consultant.

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