Haute Tease

  • Edinburgh Pocket Guide Travel Book Review – Clear, Complete, Sightseeing Made Easy

    Edinburgh Pocket Guide, from Insight Guides, supplies travelers with a condensed handbook filled with stunning photos, a pullout map, and a perfect day itinerary to ensure the visit to Scotland’s capital city is packed with all that Edinburgh offers.

  • Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers Cookbook Review - An Expansive Guide to Quick, Easy, Tasty Meals (Recipes)

    Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers, the newest in the Robert Rose Best of Bridge series, introduces two new author/food experts and more than 175 easy, delicious and nutritious meals that even the busiest home cook can prepare.

  • Les Talibans Pris à leur Propre Piège

    La conquête de l'Afghanistan par les Talibans marque un bouleversement géopolitique avec lequel les les nations occidentales devront composer. Mais il contraint aussi le mouvement islamiste à pondérer ses ambitions car menacé par l'État islamique et des réalités sociales et économiques incompressibles.  

  • The Absence of Eden Review – Both Flawed and Flawless

    The Absence of Eden, from Roadside Attractions and Vertical, presents an explosive immigrant drama that follows a young woman forced from one slavery existence to another as she runs for her life hoping to escape after killing a cartel hitman.

  • Tensions sans fin au Proche-Orient

    Si désescalade est le maître-mot qui préside à la crise que traverse le Proche-Orient, il apparaît aussi que les Etats-Unis se sont lancés dans un exercice d'équilibriste risqué sans option de résolution rapide des tensions. Pourtant, ces dernières existent.

  • World News: Joe Biden, The Unexpected Troublemaker

    The Biden Administration by recognizing the Armenian Genocide expresses the determination of the world's strongest power to lead in international diplomacy. But will this be followed by other decisions that will strengthen or damage the credibility of the U.S.?