Victoria Chow, Hong Kong Hottest Wine and Spirits Entrepreneur, Launches The Woods' Annex (CHI/ENG)

Victoria Chow, Hong Kong’s hottest Wine and Spirits entrepreneur, is launching her latest collection of spirits at The Woods' Annex, in Soho Hong Kong. No stranger to the spirits industry, The Woods' Annex is her third high end libation establishment. 

The Woods’ Annex will have its grand opening in the heart of Soho District Hong Kong, providing guests the freedom to taste and explore high level handmade spirits and enjoy unique wines in an intimate tasting destination.

The quiet location, located in the vibrant entertainment zone between Lan Kwai Fong and Sheung Wan, caters to an ultra-exclusivity, a dedicated bartender allows the, reservation only, guests to gain knowledge of little known spirits and at the same time drink and laugh.

Prestigious wine industry star entrepreneur Victoria Chow has been promoting innovation through spirits tasting bar and wine tasting concept of art. Prior to founding The Woods, Victoria gained three years of experience in the field of taste spirits. 

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The Woods led the industry with handmade cocktails as the vanguard of high-quality spirits and show the bartender sophisticated techniques actuating her rapid rise to fame in the industry. 

Earlier this year, Victoria opened KWOON by The Woods, letting wine lovers outside the bar known when and where they can finely crafted tasting canned cocktails. In order to continue to develop the brand business, The Woods' Annex shares its platform for the exchange of Kam-profile launch of a liquor product.

The Woods' Annex founder and managing director of Victoria Chow said: "As the wine tax exemption, but unfortunately the people Yuequ wine tasting focus on learning in the past decade."

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Today, more and more guests can easily identify the wine origin and grape varieties; however, spirits tasting habits are not yet aware of the popularity of our guests attention to the original place of production and the brewing process, but not yet on the market promising to see the spirits in tailor-made guided tours, which are determined to be an leading the market as guests explore the spirits behind the story." 

"I hope this opportunity to allow guests a deeper experience to touch and feel the joy of tasting spirits, so that everyone's taste buds have a more adventurous and sophisticated spirit," Chow said.

For reservations:


             Victoria Chow 推出香港最新烈酒典藏 The Woods’ Annex 品味及探索烈酒典故

(香港,2017 年 9 月 4 日)將於本月底在蘇豪區中心隆重開幕的 The Woods’ Annex 是一以高級手工製烈酒為主題,氛圍私密的的品酒目的地。位置清幽的酒吧只招待有預約的賓客,最多能同時款待 8 位品酒愛好者,讓客人在把酒言歡的同時發掘烈酒鮮為人知的知識。

享負盛名的酒界新星企業家 Victoria Chow 一直致力透過創新酒吧及品酒概念推廣烈酒品鑑的藝術。在創辦 The Woods 前,Victoria 在品味烈酒的領域上已有三年的經驗。The Woods 作為帶領手工製雞尾酒潮流的先鋒展現了高品質烈酒以及精妙的調酒技巧,因此於業內迅速名聲鵲起。於今年初,Victoria 開設 KWOON by The Woods,讓愛酒人士在酒吧以外何時何地均能品嚐精工製作的罐裝雞尾酒。為了繼續開拓品牌業務,The Woods’Annex 以一品鑑烈酒的交流分享平台矚目面世。

The Woods’ Annex 創辦人及董事總經理 Victoria Chow 說道:「由於酒稅免除,惜酒之人在過去十載越趨注重品酒的學問。時至今日,越來越多客人能輕易辨別葡萄酒的產地以及葡萄種類;然而,品鑑烈酒的習慣則尚未普及。我們意識到客人對原產地以及釀造工藝的重視,同時看到市場上尚未有為烈酒量身定制的導賞,因而決心要引領客人探索烈酒背後典故。我希望以此機會讓客人更深度接觸和感受烈酒品鑑的喜悅,讓大家的味蕾更富冒險精神。」

The Woods’ Annex 借鑒私房菜的概念,不但讓客人探索及嘗試罕有的烈酒品種,更能與酒吧經理還有外地來訪的烈酒製造商促膝詳談。Victoria 對探知烈酒背後典故有著孜孜不倦溫故知新的態度,而 The Woods’ Annex 亦同樣為初學者及品酒迷呈獻不斷探索的資源。

透過 The Woods 調酒師和酒界專家一系列講解詳盡的品味導賞和工作坊,賓客可以設計適合自己的烈酒品味從而加深對烈酒的認知。由獨立產酒商到大型酒廠,定制式的工作坊將從產地、製造技巧及歷史逐一細數介紹其種類多元化的特色烈酒,譬如顫酒、冧酒、龍舌蘭與威士忌。

在 Victoria 的引領下,The Woods’ Annex 旨在揭開烈酒的神秘面紗,在種類繁如星數的烈酒世界裡引導並鼓勵客人大膽嘗試,在各種酒類中探求異曲同工,又或發現全新不同的味道。

藏身於 KWOON by The Woods’的嶄新概念店面,The Woods’ Annex 展示了一系列附有詳細說明的零售產品,包括家庭酒吧小工具、烈酒以及品牌的罐裝雞尾酒。酒吧空間設計簡約樸實並融合了輕工業風格,綠意如茵的花草裝飾令酒吧搖身一變繁華都市中的私密聚會之地。由木夾板建構而成的內閣典藏超過 300 種來自世界各地精製酒廠的烈酒。珍貴的烈酒藏品將個別附有一張「圖書卡」,記錄了同樣淺嚐過該烈酒同好者的感想。特別藏酒閣「Travelling Corner」則展示了 Victoria 外地同業友人越洋送來且未於香港發售的佳釀。每種烈酒均提供 750 毫升的標準瓶裝及 100 毫升的品酒分量供客人選擇。迷你支裝讓客人嚐盡種類繁多的美酒,作為佳節禮品最合適不過。The Woods’ Annex 亦將推出線上零售平台予客人品鑑琳瑯滿目的烈酒收藏並靜待佳釀送至到府上。

客人更有機會細聽客席講者的分享,一眾釀酒商包括來自家族式經營的 Michter’s Bourbon 的總裁 Matt Magliocco 先生、Ocho tequila 的創辦人 Jesse Estes 先生,以及 Kyro Distillery gin 創辦人兼行政總裁 Mika Lipiäinen 先生。更多資訊及預約私人工作坊的詳情請瀏覽 The Woods’ Annex 的網站。



地址:香港中環史丹頓街 64 號

開放時間:僅限預約,請客人先到 The Woods’Annex 網站預約合適時段座位:8 人

查詢及預約電話:+852 9862 8031

電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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關於 The Woods’ Annex

位於蘇豪區中心地帶的 The Woods’Annex 是一氛圍私密的高級手工製烈酒主題的品酒目的地。度身定制的工作坊讓客人透過品嚐不同酒類深入欣賞烈酒,並與該領域專家互相交流,共同享受烈酒佳釀之旅。

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