Health, Wellness: Apricot Chai – A Natural Aphrodisiac Tea

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With Valentine's day just around the corner, California Tea House, the premier boutique, organic tea company of Southern California, decided to inspire tea lovers to ignite their passion for tea by turning it into a passionate rendezvous.

Apricot Chai will push the boundaries. With alluring flavor and purely organic ingredients this potent blend is the ultimate aphrodisiac tea. And by heating up the sheets, they don't mean spilling your cup of hot tea on the linens.

Inspired by History
The tea company's research took them back into the ancient times when fruits and spices were used as the only remedies for treating low libido. Peaches and apricots were used in Japan and Australia to bring out the youthfulness of woman and they are still the symbol of fertility around the world.

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Vanilla is drunk in Argentina, Mexico and Venezuela to increase sexual vigor. While ginger and cloves are known in the Arab world, Kenya and France as the spices to increase circulation.

All the Ingredients Clicked
When chemistry appears between two people, they cannot help but to be attracted to each other. The same type of chemistry was used to blend all the organic ingredients into the ultimate aphrodisiac concoction.

The ingredients clicked, blended in perfectly, and created a well-balanced and extremely potent brew – Apricot Chai. With organic origin and well-known reputation for increasing the sexual drive, aphrodisiac tea has layers of fine loose leaf black tea, real peaches, apricot preserves, vanilla bean bits, ginger slices, whole cloves and citrus peel.

Brewing Tea Before Going to Bed
Apricot Chai is not meant to be drank if you are sleeping alone. In that case, California Tea House has a wonderful Bedtime Chai blend for those that want a peaceful sleep. Apricot Chai is here to get you in the mood. As one might not want to lose your energy on brewing tea before a sleepless night, brewing was made very simple. Use 1-2 teaspoons of Apricot Chai for each cup and steep for 2 minutes in just under boiling mineral water.

For those that are truly daring and want a bit more sweetness in their lives, add a touch of local honey. Even Marcus Aurelius did this daily to maintain his stamina. The result will be delicious!

"A Tea to Take Off that Winter Chill: This tea will instantly warm your body to the point that, while you may not strip down on the spot, you certainly won't object if someone else does it for you!" – as seen on Eat Something Sexy

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Put that kettle on fire and leave the flannel pyjamas for some other occasion - Apricot Chai doesn't have subtle intentions. With lots of boldness, lots of nature and lots of flavor, the ultimate aphrodisiac tea is designed to get you in the mood.

Buy Apricot Chai at California Tea House online tea shop.