Home, Décor: Tips To Make a Home More Energy-Efficient

Looking to build a Greener more environmentally friendly lifestyle? Plus, cause less harm to the planet, save on utility costs, and pursue better energy-efficiency in your home? Here are a few tips to make any home more energy efficient.

Switch to Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs

Traditionally, the light bulbs that illumine a home’s spaces are of the incandescent variety. The issue with this light bulb type is that it drains a sizable amount of electricity and possesses a relatively brief life span before ceasing to function altogether.

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Much better options exist on the market when it comes to energy-efficiency. Light-emitting diode (LED) lights and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use less than half the energy than incandescent lights do.


At the same time, they also last many times longer—about ten thousand hours (CFLs) or twenty-five thousand hours (LEDs) in comparison to the meager average of one thousand hours for incandescent lights. Switching to eco-friendly light bulbs is therefore an effective way to make a home more energy-efficient.

Install Solar Panels

Finding alternative sources of energy will also improve the efficiency of a home, since the home will then have a smaller demand for electricity generated from fossil fuel-burning power plants. The most accessible alternative energy source is sunlight—consider having a professional install solar panels on the roof of the home.

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The panels will absorb solar radiation, convert it into electricity, and then deliver this to the house for use. You’ll feel the tangible effects when your utility bills come with noticeable cost reductions.

Upgrade Windows and Sliding Doors

When the heating or cooling systems are activated, energy waste may occur as air travels through cracks in and around windows and sliding doors. Even without these small openings, the glass that these parts of the home are made of may also allow heat diffusion to take place.


As a result, the HVAC system must increase output to counterbalance the heat that escapes on cold days or enters during warm seasons.

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Upgrade the windows and sliding doors to resolve this dilemma. Choosing energy-efficient sliding glass doors and windows that have multiple layers of glass with clear insulating gases in between them will drastically reduce the interaction of the home’s interior with the outside. Professional installers will also ensure that no cracks that could compromise their design exist.

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More energy-efficiency in the home translates to a reduced carbon footprint and utility bill. Use these methods to make your home more energy-efficient.

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