World News: France, The New World and Covid-19

The risks of the Covid-19 epidemic returning suggested by the scientific community reveal the inability of a population to show common sense while concealing the presence of a virus which has become a constituent element of everyday life.

While the scientific community is moved by the lightness of part of the population with regard to the increased risks of spreading the coronavirus, many questions remain to be raised. Not on the relevance of this emotion which ultimately is simply a prophylactic warning, intended to stress the prevention of the disease, but more on the reality that it discovers.

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Thus, in the aftermath of May 11, the date on which France was almost entirely de-configured, a plethora of carefree, even irresponsible behavior, was noted, all of which increased the risk of contagion.

Appealing to good citizenship and common sense was therefore obviously not enough especially in a country where indiscipline is often set up as a working principle. Forgotten good resolutions, self-awareness and introspection, altruism, and solidarity. Now, the world before has become the one after.

Utility and Illusion

However, the fundamental problem is not necessarily located in the multiplication of these behaviors, certainly reprehensible and to be corrected as soon as possible but rather in the idea, false moreover, that Humanity has overcome, or will be able to defeat the virus, with confinement, technological progress or vaccines being designed.

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Therefore, each item cited should be replaced in terms of its usefulness. Containment makes it possible, or has made it possible, to limit the spread of the virus in the population without causing its outright disappearance. Despite the confinement, the Covid-19 still lives and circulates.

Technology, the one that accompanies our daily life, as powerful as it is, does nothing to eradicate the virus, at most it allows to circumvent its presence. Mobile phones, social networks, 5th generation internet are used more to communicate and exchange information on the speed of propagation of the coronavirus than to fight against it, all of which are completely useless in this area.

As for vaccines, the collective illusion that prevails today to have them by the end of the year keeps the population in a gentle but guilty carelessness that will be all the more indigestible when the time comes for a new containment.

Impotence and Threat

Summer, post-confinement, consumption and holidays tend to obscure the fact that the coronavirus has become an integral part of our daily life and that we will have to deal with it for many years, at worst until its natural eradication. Are we to understand that our lifestyles will now be dictated by the spread of covid-19?

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The answer cannot be decided in such a radical way, but it also reveals the fact that despite all our technological advances, Humanity is almost powerless against such a virus as it was in the 14th century during the Great Plague ( 1346-1353) and that only the discipline of each is able to stop its spread. Nature will always be stronger. Certainly !

But what about the economic equation because it is it that greatly complicates the situation.

Partial or general containment, measures reinforced under penalty of fine, adaptation of production methods in order to limit exposure to the virus, generalization of teleworking. So many solutions that have proven, and would prove still, their effectiveness but which, placed under the seal of economic doxa, can only be temporary.

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Cornelian question posed by the emergence of the coronavirus. Are we able on a global scale to modify our lifestyles and production to face the threat? Yes? No? To conquer the invisible enemy, we must.


Bio: Olivier Longhi has extensive experience in European history. A seasoned journalist with fifteen years of experience, he is currently professor of history and geography in the Toulouse region of France. He has held a variety of publishing positions, including Head of Agency and Chief of Publishing. A journalist, recognized blogger, editor and editorial project manager, he has trained and managed editorial teams, worked as a journalist for various local radio stations, a press and publishing consultant, and a communications consultant.

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