HL London: Coffee Specialty Franchise, Department of Coffee and Social Affairs, Opens New Shop in Canary Wharf

Named "The Best Coffee" in London, DOCASA, Inc., through its award-winning subsidiary Department of Coffee and Social Affairs, has announced the opening of its new coffee shop at the offices of a leading Fortune 500 company in Canary Wharf. 

Since 2014, Department of Coffee and Social Affairs has been serving coffee to working professionals through its two existing workplace coffee shops in Soho, London. DOCASA has thirteen existing stores throughout London.

The UK-based coffee company has opened its third workplace coffee shop in London's financial district, Canary Wharf.  Department of Coffee and Social Affairs is now open and available to over 1,400 staff and their visitors at the Canary Wharf and Soho office sites every working day of the year.

According to a study by the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA), 90 percent of employees are more productive if they can get a beverage they want at work.

The study has also shown that 91 percent of employees believe that a hot-beverage break is a good way to reduce stress before starting a new activity and saw an increase in employee satisfaction after such a break. In addition, four out of five employees preferred better coffee options at work, and having such an option makes them less likely to want to leave the office. 

DOCASA, Inc. President & CEO, Ashley Lopez said, "We have identified a unique niche in providing workplace coffee shops in the offices of blue chip multi-national businesses and will continue to target such opportunities. To be able to open in Canary Wharf a third one of these workplace coffee shops is a validation both of our brand and of the demand for our quality coffee and food offerings within the working environment.  Sources within the organization tell us their staff's daily interactions have increased significantly and that additional revenues are being generated."

DOCASA, Inc. is focused on the investment in a rapidly growing specialty coffee market principally in the United Kingdom. Through its subsidiary, Department of Coffee and Social Affairs Ltd., headquartered in London, England, it has established and is growing an award-winning, market leading UK specialty coffee shop and online retail business.

For more information of DOCASA: https://departmentofcoffee.com/

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