Nine Dead, 17 Injured; 192 Arrested in Waco Biker Brawl

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Nine gang members shot and killed each other in a Wild West gangland shoot out at the Twin Peaks Bar and Grill in Waco, Texas, in what has been described as the worst crimes in almost 35 years of law enforcement.

Another 17 gang members were hospitalized and 192 gang members and others were arrested in the Sunday afternoon melee that began reportedly in the bathroom over a minor unintentional shove or push or a disrespectful look.

Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, Waco Sherriff, said via Twitter, [it was] “one of the worst crime scenes I have seen in 34-years of Law Enforcement.Every agency in our area has worked with us today to help on a horrific crime scene.”

By Monday, 200 people had been arrested and charged with engaging in Organized Crime.

Terrified restaurant employees and patrons hid inside the freezer during the gunfight and when the dust settled no bystanders, patrons or police officers were injured from the hail of bullets.

Waco Police were in place prior to the shootout as they had been warned of potential problems with the contingent of bikers showing up at bikini bar Twin Peaks, which is known as a biker’s hangout. The gunfight occurred in broad daylight. Fortunately, the men were expert shots and those they fired upon were killed and no others.

The restaurant has been closed for the week so to process the crime scene.

This is a continuing story.