Accessories: The Fascinating History of the Cowboy Boot

Many people love Western fashion. They especially love cowboy boots, which are known for being durable, unique, and eye catching. It's no secret that cowboy boots have launched themselves from practicality into the fashion world.

Cowboy boots have a very fascinating history. If you admire this closet staple, then read here to learn more about how cowboy boots became popular. Nowadays, one can wear Western boots whether it's summer or fall. Better yet, this boot style comes in various types for both men and women. Everyone can channel their inner fashionista.

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So, what makes leather cowboy boots so popular? Take a deep dive into the fascinating history of the cowboy boot and find out how it became a fashion staple through the years.

In the Beginning

Society has always appreciated leather boots, even as early as the 11th century. Some of the influence for Western boots likely came from English riding boots, which appeared in the 17th and 18th centuries. Over time, the boots evolved, and by the mid-1800s, cowboy fashion had made an appearance in the United States. In the West, people needed shoes that made walking all day comfortable.

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They also needed something to wear while horseback riding. In the golden age of cowboys, many cowboys wore boots with long shafts to protect their legs and feet. They didn't want to risk bites from rattlesnakes while hiking, and leather boots were perfect protective measures. Each part of the boot protected their feet differently, and the toe and heel also aided in both walking and horseback riding.

How Their Popularity Grew

We also have Hollywood movies to thank for the popularity of Western boots. Films began showcasing the stylish boot, and public desire for it grew. Soon, different designs, toe styles, and leather types appeared.

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Cowboy boots still come in a variety of leather types. Both women and men need exotic boots in their closets—exotic leathers are high quality, and they show an appreciation for luxury clothing.

Cowboy Boots and Leather

Nothing beats a pair of authentic cowboy boots because, put simply, leather lasts. If one maintains their leather by polishing and conditioning it, the boots will last even longer. Leather boots are must-haves because the material is sturdy, versatile, and comfortable. Since it's both breathable and naturally insulating, wearers have the perfect pair of boots throughout the year.

Cowboy Boots Today

The fascinating history of the cowboy boot also reflects where fashion is today. We don't just see ranchers wearing cowboy boots anymore; we now see them on the red carpet and in magazines. In the fashion world, these boots also appear at formal and casual events alike. In fact, many people agree that a great pair of cowboy boots is a must-wear for Western concerts, line-dancing, or rustic weddings.

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This high-end fashion item can be styled in various ways. Western boots look great with leggings and a sweater for a look that's cozy and professional. But they can also be worn with a sundress in the summer. As long as you stride with confidence, rest assured knowing you're wearing your Western attire the right way.

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