Medical Examiners have positively identified the dismembered torso as that of missing journalist Kim Wall, last seen August 10, 2017 standing in the tower with Danish Inventor Peter Madsen aboard his self-constructed submarine, Nautilus. 

Copenhagen police have indicated the arms, legs and head had been deliberately cut off. Forensic analysis also matched Wall's blood type with blood found in the submarine.

The dismembered female torso was found by a cyclist near the area in Koge Bay where Madsen indicated he "buried" Swedish Journalist Kim Wall, after "an accident" on board the US3 submarine took her life.

Madsen, 46, who has changed his story on two separate occasions, had released the "accident" statement sometime over the past week, after his initial ambiguous statements of "putting her out" near Copenhagen Harbor near where Wall had initially boarded the self-constructed vessel.

Authorities questioning Madsen indicated they believe the inventor's statement that Wall died on the submarine. It is apparently the only statement the Police will say they agree on.

In early statements spoken by Madsen after his rescue by Danish Navy he indicated he was "toying with a few ideas" before the ballast problem went "from minor to major to life threatening in a matter of minutes."

As Madsen as a double meaning for every statement he gave "toying with a few ideas" would mean considering allowing Ms. Wall to live or dangling her life in front of her like a toy only to snatch it away when he believed she believed him. The ultimate control for a serial killer would be to hear his victims beg for their life. 

Madsen has been known to have a quick temper and was highly argumentative when it comes to journalists although most would say they have never seen him violent. No person involved in this case, except Ms. Wall, can attest to that statement.

Kim Wall Died "In an Accident" Inventor Says

Madsen has been held for eleven days, taken into custody on Saturday, August 12, one day after he was rescued at sea after sending out distress messages indicating a ballast problem, escalated from minor to major to life threatening quickly.

His previous statement of "putting her out" are also an ambiguous, a façade of the right words, confession as he did in fact put the journalist out, admitting in his second statement he "buried her at sea."

Should the torso be that of Ms. Wall, 30,  a natural red-headed beauty, the fact that it was void of clothing, and minus extremities and any identifying characteristics that would make immediate identification possible, the damage and post-mortem abuse of the body provide additional clues and indicator of the mindset of the killer, and creating more questions as to the terrifying final moments of Kim Wall's Life.

Additional charges of kidnapping, even as she boarded the submarine willingly she boarded under the intent of traveling between two distinct points and returning.

Burial at Sea, as stated by Madsen, indicate the self-taught Aerospace engineer who is potentially of high Intelligence, thought it best that he, a relative stranger in her life, with no connection to her or her family, make end of life decisions for her. These words are also a front and the truth is hiding behind every statement he openly makes.

He allegedly put her out, after she was killed through any number of ways, possibly asphyxiation, after which he dismembered her hoping natural sea life would aid in the cover up and his potential escape, sank the submarine to saturate and "clean" the inside of blood, splatter, as dismemberment would cause her to bleed out.

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Did Madsen kill Kim Wall? When photgraphed after being rescued he didn't appear to have scratch marks or facial injury indicating a struggle. Which, in and of itself, is a clue. 

What did Kim discover? Was her murder simply a thrill kill for a secret Ted Bundy type serial killer?

Was Madsen using his submarine, as he has indicated it's construction was publicly funded and recently lost his partners and funding in a fall out, to transport drugs for a cartel between Sweden and Denmark and the Nordic region?

The Mexican Cartel style killing, a headless torso, missing limbs which were deliberatly cut off, speaks to a much darker and deeper motive than a simple background discovery by a freelance journalist working on a profile on the hopeful and sometimes successful inventor.

Were cartel members waiting in the hull and the greusome, vicious, kill a message? The message will be lost in translation as the chances of someone other than Madsen being held accountable are slim.

Any journalist aware of global currency would follow the money. Had she already and discovered gaps in Peter Madsen's public story and private persona? 

Madsen has been held on negligent homicide since August 12, 2017 and according to the Danish law the judicial process has 24 days to build a case before determination will be made on whether the charges will be dismissed or the case will be bound over trial. 

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