A Case of You Review – A Cute Romantic Comedy in a 4G Social Media World

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“A Case of You,” from Lagniappe Films and I’m So Sorry Productions, is a modern twist on the New York urban romance myth where boy meets girl, they connect, romance blossoms and love is created.

Directed by Kat Coiro, “A Case of You,” stars Justin Long and Rachel Evan Woods, along with Vince Vaughn, Brendan Fraser, Sienna Miller, Sam Rockwell and Peter Dinklage.  “A Case of You,” was written by Long, Christian Long and Keir O’Donnell.

"A Case of You,” skirts the online stalker grey area, as Sam played by Justine Long, a shy, deeply inhibited Hollywood novel writer, takes instantly to a barista counter girl, Birdie, played by Evan Rachel Wood.

We meet our youthful, Brooklyn modern, character artist, a retro dead head, who while not romanticizing poverty certainly doesn’t mind the meager pennies she receives on the name your own price sketch art she performs in a local park.

To her she is honing her craft; to others she is a deadbeat, 99%er who has the brains, beauty and talent to succeed but just doesn’t want to play the corporate jungle game.

We meet Sam, a novelist, slaving away at his laptop. A writer, Hollywood contracts him to complete book deals that inundate the market with whichever wildly successful franchise is hot. He slaves away, lost in the capitalist machine, unable to fulfill his creative desires.

Vince Vaughn gives another great performance as the downtown hip, urban, Manhattan publisher with an uptown, corporate mentality.

After pining away and explaining to his roommate, a pot smoking, Brooklyn bohemian, with a deep fascination for older female celebrities, he decide to for once take the “wisdom” and discover more about the object of his affections.

In dot com speed he is looking at the personal life and details of the woman who an instant ago he only knew her name.  Now, with the skill of Herman Melville, he is crafting a new leading character with Barista girl, Birdie, as his lead.

The two, he pens, will soon be best of friends as he has all her intimate details, her likes and dislikes. Romance, he rationalizes, will simply be a moment away.

Through a carefully crafted seduction, chance meetings, serendipitous encounters, happenstance opportunities, fate, kismet or whatever one attributes destiny, luck, or fortune our Sam continues to develop a new self to mirror Birdie, in hopes of finally winning her heart.

As he is venturing into unknown territory in his quest he encounters master’s who are sent to bolster his ruse.  His instructors and the necessary steps he takes to win Birdie are comical as he squirms inside the deeply uncomfortable danger zone.

“A Case of You,” is truly a smart, funny, romantic comedy. And as in most romantic relationships the course of true love never does run smooth. Sam finally decides, as commitment is rearing its fearful head that he may not be able to maintain his new “likes” for the rest of his life as he can barely stand them now.

The stalking aspect is played down, by two attractive people, and they did meet in the coffee shop, before his online obsession, so in a modern, social media obsessed world, the small bits of “stalking” to secure the woman of his dreams didn’t really pass the limit of concern.

“A Case of You,” introduces modern romance, odd professions, odd pastimes, bohemian revivals, and sews similarities that stick beyond the social media “like” commitment stage. The two make it out in real time life and enjoy the oddities of each other, the ups and downs.

“A Case of You,” mixes social media, and the sometimes obsession with it, with real encounters, and real feelings. It is great date film and even sticks to the belief that love conquers all and really does, once you past the emotional explosions, last.

“A Case of You” opens everywhere November 6, 2013 and is on demand November 8, 2013.

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