World News: Greta Thunberg Challenges French Leaders on Climate Change, Receives Chilly Welcome

Greta Thunberg continues to upset the global ecological discourse by returning leaders and politicians to their responsibilities. But would not the teenager not the symbol of a lack of international voluntarism in environmental matters?

The day after his address to the deputies of the National Assembly, Moult comments punctuated the performance of Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish environmental activist whose speech moves, as much as it irritates, the entire planet.

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But media outings in school strikes, a question arises today: What is Greta Thunberg's speech worth? More precisely, what can to be his reach that can only turn out to be political now?

On this point, the teenager has raised all possible ambiguities, not without irony, since it intends to push the different countries of the world, and their leaders in particular, to act actively to imagine a future different than the one that is taking shape. ( https: //

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Phenomenon and Scientific Rigor

But beyond the intentions of the young woman, many wonder about the relevance and origin of the speech it defends today, namely by what sources and what research Greta Thunberg feeds herself to pose as the face of the environmental cause.

The question will be certainly an answer in the succinct biography easily identifiable on the Internet and which associates with the Nobel Laureate Svante Arrhenius (1903), who as early as 1896 establishes a "First estimate of the impact of the increase in the atmospheric rate of carbon dioxide on Earth's temperature."*

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So far and passed the scientific guarantee which everyone will appreciate value, it is not untimely to dwell on Greta Thunberg as a social phenomenon planetary order. Because the young woman alone reflects the procrastination of our time in the face of the climate emergency.

If some feel irritated by the young woman's words, considering herself as if teased by a girl, others see on the contrary a form of courage that only her young age is able to defend because not yet polluted by the constraints and realities of the world in which it evolves. (

But an obviousness is essential, his voice carries! And beyond the borders of his native Sweden to the point of being invited to the national performances or awarded for his commitment, which has not yet translated into facts. And her voice is that of a teenager not that of a patented researcher, strong recognized work based on proven scientific rigor.

Cause and Intellectual Poverty

Some, let's repeat it, will find it refreshing and encouraging, but is the interference of Greta Thunberg in the discourse and environmental cause does not also translate poverty and intellectual drought of a world political class unable to join forces to fight against global warming?

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More than ever disarmed and impotent, even ridiculed, against the candor of Greta Thunberg, who almost cynically, this same political class gives the feeling of relying on a sincere teenager but to this day totally devoid of direct or indirect means of action. And another question to emerge: is all this finally credible?

Cruel comment that this one but is it audible that Humanity refers to a certainly honest teenager in his commitment and to say the least charismatic in order to solve the climate emergency?

Some will argue that it is the mouthpiece of growing anxiety that agitates the planet and in particular its youth (that of the Western countries) but does one actually do you need her to understand their meaning and value?

* Sources : Wikipédia



Bio: Olivier Longhi has extensive experience in European history. A seasoned journalist with fifteen years of experience, he is currently professor of history and geography in the Toulouse region of France. He has held a variety of publishing positions, including Head of Agency and Chief of Publishing. A journalist, recognized blogger, editor and editorial project manager, he has trained and managed editorial teams, worked as a journalist for various local radio stations, a press and publishing consultant, and a communications consultant.

Greta Thunberg Image courtesy of Anders Hellberg [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

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