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Haute Tease

  • Health, Wellness: Dermatologist Offers Tips to Prevent Premature Skin Aging

    As people age, it is natural to experience thinner, drier skin and an increase in wrinkles and other signs of aging. However, sometimes one's environment and lifestyle choices can cause the skin to age prematurely.

  • Coming Out in Hollywood

    Recently, The Wrap wrote a really insightful article about celebrities coming out publicly with ease, yet there are certain industries where it is still taboo to be out of the closet, namely big movie stars.

  • Four Day Old Baby, Two Toddlers Found Alive Among Ohio Execution Slaughter

    Eight members of a rural Ohio family were found dead, early Friday morning, shot execution style as they lie sleeping, in multiple locations across a small area of Pike County. None of the victims appear to be the shooter.

  • Même aux Etats-Unis

    Aux Etats-Unis, à quelques mois de l’élection présidentielle, deux prétendants semblent se détacher pour occuper la Maison Blanche. Mais sont-ils pour autant les meilleures représentants de leurs partis et ont-ils l’un et l’autre toutes les capacités pour siéger dans le bureau ovale.  

  • Style: Tips to Stay Fashionable in Winter

    New York City, often considered a fashion mecca, can see wind chills below zero. What’s a fashion forward girl to do? Simply layering techniques can ensure even a fashionista can brave old man winter in style.

  • L’otage, la Tentation et la Faute

    Candidate investie du Parti républicain Valérie Pécresse, la présidente de la région Île-de-France, devra composer avec les tendances les plus à droite de son parti si elle souhaite conserver ses chances de victoire en mai 2022.