Obama, Romney Face Firestorm Over Hot Button Issues - The Road to the White House - Election 2012 - Week 38

President Obama and Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney each faced a media showdown this week over hot button issues surrounding the upcoming November election.

Obamacare’s RFID implantation chip, the ailing economy, staggeringly high unemployment, post traumatic recession stress, reproductive decisions, Same Sex marriage rights inclusions and acceptance are all factors every voter will weigh in their decision making process come November.

With 44 days until the general election, President Obama’s current overall ratings, after the seven percentage point bounce following the Democratic National Convention dropped again, for the second straight week, settling to his pre-convention numbers.  According to Gallup, President Obama’s Job Approval dropped an additional two percentage points over the past week to 47% of those polled who approve of his effectiveness as President and those who disapprove of his effectiveness gained four percentage points to 46%.

As of September 23, 2012, among registered voters President Obama’s national popularity dropped two percentage points 47% and Mitt Romney’s national popularity gained two percentage points to 47% making the national popularity a dead heat.  

Obamacare’s RFID

Supporters of President Obama have dismissed the proponents of the RFID chip, associated with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act commonly referred to as Obamacare, as a scare tactic to secure the swing vote by the Romney campaign.  

A June 2003 Associated Press article, “Pentagon’s Diary Gets Personal” details the original “chip” and plan for its use in military personnel. According to the article the RFID chip allows the government a full sensory experience of the user including intimate knowledge of any boardroom, bedroom and other personal and private life details. The original government program, titled the DARPA project was shelved in 2003 for its gross violations of privacy.

An eight page report detailing the illegal human testing and use of the implanted technology, was submitted, in August 2003, to the New York City headquarters of United Nations and forwarded to Geneva, Switzerland to The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights. The original report was eventually investigated, debated upon and allegedly policy crafted around it. Although it is unclear if the United Nations policy directly prohibits the use of an implanted technology device against a people’s will.

A variation of a 2001 prototype, used in the illegal human testing, was designed for Military use and the eradication of terrorism as it is virtually undetectable. Another variation is used for what is known as “Life-Logging.”

As it is clear the technology for implantation exists, it is also unclear if any move to subject, in mass, a population would jeopardizes the United States’ standing with the United Nations or in any way violates the United Nations Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights which includes mandates every member nation of the United Nations must adhere to or risk sanctions.  

After limited research, an exact definition and confirmation of the RFID implantation chip, utilized as a National ID system in Obamacare could not be found.

The Ailing Economy and Post Traumatic Recession Stress

The recent Middle East conflicts, over the past week, have usurped the economic recession and the fact that the U.S. economy has suffered 42 straight months of unemployment over 8%, from the headlines.

The Post Traumatic Recession Stress associated with those numbers and the subsequent lossesfrom the foreclosure debacle, long-term job loss and long-term unemployment which affect future social security recipients, as monthly social security payments are directly related to wage earning over a lifetime, have created a Post Traumatic Recession Stress segment of the population.

Those who have suffered the loss of their home, job and income, future retirement savings or any combination and quite possibly the inability to bounce back depending on age demographic are now being minimized, told the worst of the recession is over and as investors in America’s future and their own are faced with a November gamble.

The 47% Brouhaha

After listening to the entire, covertly taped, May 17th Republican Fundraiser (which is available on-line) the incendiary 47% remarks stated by Romney, didn’t seem to warrant the firestorm of media attention utilized as the statement indicated was stated in the context of gaining, persuading or converting the vote of that percentage of people.

Even the recent Gallup numbers support 47% of registered voters of the population approve of President Obama effectiveness as president. In the context of the remarks those dependent on government may not even be registered to vote.

The next major televised opportunity for the American public to judge the effectiveness of both men and their VP choices will be in a series of three debates beginning October 3rd in Denver. The second debate, a town hall, is scheduled for October 16 and the final debate, on foreign policy, is slated for October 22. Republican running mate Paul Ryan and Vice President Joe Biden have one debate scheduled for October 11.

For more information on both candidates:

Obama/Biden Official web site: http://www.barackobama.com/

Romney/Ryan official web site: http://www.mittromney.com/

Haute Tease

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