North Korean Leader Feeds Uncle to Starving Dogs

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has executed his Uncle, a top ministry cabinet member, and five others by locking the elder statesman in a cage with a pack of wild dogs starved for the occasion.

The execution of Jang Song Thaek, 67, has recently been exposed in the west as the gruesome, inhumane, and atrocious, details of Kim Jong Un’s most recent executions have filtered through various news organizations.

Thaek had been accused of attempting to overthrow the state and have his unstable nephew replaced by an interim government. The execution took place, from all media accounts, December 12, 2013.

Kim Jong Un sadistically executed his uncle, stripping him naked and locking him in a cage with over a 120 dogs who had been starved for more than a week.

The 30 year old leader has continued his reign of terror, exhibiting his merciless tendencies to execute anyone whom he suspects is crossing him. Recently, more than a dozen artists, including his former girlfriend, a singer, were executed by firing squad.

Kim Jong Un’s continued degradation into bizarre, brutal, and appalling methods of justice focus the world’s attention on him and commands intervention through the United Nations or other world organization as the contentious leader mirrors historical dictators who should have been stopped in the infancy of their reign.


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