No Indictment in Ferguson Case; Violence Hits More Than 90 Cities

A Missouri Grand Jury refused to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed African American teen shot and killed in broad daylight, while walking in the street near his home, last August.


Citing overwhelming evidence, the released statements indicate the injuries photographed on Officer Wilson, during the hours following the shooting were sufficient to back up his story of self-defense.

Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis with about 20,000 residents, was ground zero in a wave of rage retaliation violence that spread across ninety cities as America erupted in violence as protestors took to the streets ignited by the grand jury announcement of no charges.

The night of rioting punctuated three months of continued protests which began with an initial week of mild clashes between Ferguson residents, non-residents showing up in “support” and an overwhelmed local police department. The 28 member Ferguson Police Department were assisted by the Missouri National guard who were called in by Governor Jay Nixon as the call for peaceful protests were unheeded even as the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder promised an independent autopsy and investigation.

The protestors resonated with the theme of life isn't fair and when the system disappoints I'm going to burn buildings, loot businesses, overturn automobiles, engage local police in violent exchanges, voice and exhibit my rage, because I don't know how to deal with the fact that life isn't fair.

So in reality the Ferguson looters have simply enforced the original random violence that cost Michael Brown his life with rage retaliation.

No one knows for sure if rage retaliation didn't spark the original confrontation and now with this additional violence as evidence one wonders if it did.

Fair or not, right or wrong, the facts remain that when the law works for the disenfranchised the voices are not silenced in jubilation even the world believes the reverse and when it does not work instead of galvanizing even larger numbers and greater, stronger voices, platforms, yes that take time and work within the system, they take to the streets negating every positive advancement.

Haute Tease

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