Money News: Seven Savvy Tips to Save Money by Changing Everyday Habits

Save money by changing your everyday habits? Yes, I know it sounds like a sales pitch, but hear me out. There are plenty of things you can do to reduce expenses, and it doesn't even feel like work!

Start with small things, and you'll be surprised at how quickly the savings add up. Before you know it, your bank account will thank you for taking these steps to save money.

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7 Savvy Ways to Save Money on Habits

The toil of saving money is a lot like dieting — it's easy to break your habits and binge on something you know isn't good for your wallet or waistline. But if we're smart and understand what makes us happy (and what doesn't), we can find ways to save more without sacrificing our lifestyle!

Here are 7 savvy ways that will help you save some cash:

Start Vaping If You're a Smoker

Smoking cigarettes is not only bad for your health, but it can also be incredibly expensive. A pack of cigarettes costs between £8.80/$10.76 USD and £13.50/$14.53 USD. If you smoke one pack a day, you're spending between £264/$322 and £405/$495 USD a month on them!

You can dramatically reduce your smoking costs by switching to vaping which is cheaper than smoking. Save money and improve your health at the same time!*

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Stop Buying Coffee on Your Way to Work

If you're like most people, you buy coffee every day on the way to work. That can add up quickly! A cup of coffee from a café costs around £3/$3.67, which means you're spending about £60/$73 USD a month on coffee.

If you bring your own coffee instead, you can save at least half of that amount. Not to mention, you'll get to enjoy the delicious taste of your own blend!

Bring Your Lunch to Work

Another way to save money is by bringing your own lunch to work instead of eating out. The average person spends around £6.5/$8 USD on lunch each day, which means you spend around £32.5/$40 USD a week on lunch. Just think how much that will be in a year! By bringing lunch from home, you can easily save two-third of the money you would spend if you went out.

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Put Away Your Credit Cards

This sounds like an obvious one, but it can be so hard when there are so many opportunities for buying things with them! But credit cards are a huge contributor to debt, as they trigger impulsive expenses. So put them away and rely on cash instead.

Hold Your Purchases for a Few Days

It can be so hard to wait when you're shopping for something, but if you just give yourself a little time before making that purchase, you'll likely find that the urge has passed. Putting off that purchase will help you see how much it really means to you. Plus, holding on to your money longer will help grow your savings!

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Go for Less Expensive Alternatives

It can be easy to get caught up in marketing and label claims, but if you take a minute to compare the quality difference between high-end products and their cheaper counterparts, you might be surprised at how small it is. By purchasing less expensive alternatives, you can save a lot of money in the long run.

Repair Stuff Instead of Tossing Them Out

It's become so commonplace to just toss out something that's broken rather than try to fix it. But if you take the time to repair stuff, you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run. Not only will this reduce waste, but it will also help you learn new skills.

* does not endorse or promote smoking or vaping.

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