Michelin-Starred PUNJAB CLUB Restaurant's New Menu Highlights Its Vibrant Taste (CHI/ENG)

New Punjab Club, which has just won a Michelin star, launches a new vibrant and colorful dish in this warming season, allowing guests to sample a range of dishes that are freshly appetizing with seasonal ingredients.

As a farming-oriented area, April is a busy month in Punjab, marking the beginning of the early spring harvest. In order to collect the harvest in winter, the sound of the harvester is omnipresent.

The air is filled with green scent due to the cutting of crops, and the surrounding area is also smashed by dust. Every harvest period determines the life of most Punjabi people, and the harvest of crops has become the most celebrated event for locals.

Punjab is hailed as the local "granary." The fertile soil of the Himalayas, combined with mineral-rich water sources, provides ideal farming conditions and is particularly suitable for growing rice and wheat. In the hot and humid season, bushes and trees are rich in bright fruits and berries, rivers are rich in fish, and there are all kinds of prey in the mountains.

To celebrate the harvest season, New Punjab Club presents a new menu with a traditional Punjabi flavour that continues to bring local kiln roasting flavors to loyal and loyal customers.

Executive Chef Palash Mitra specializes in Tandoori Venison (HK$ 468) from the kiln roast venison from Mandagery Creek, New South Wales. This season is best for tasting venison, and the Australian venison is first marinated with fennel seeds and Chatter liqueur to help protect the mud kiln from high temperatures, then bake it to the outer layer with a bit of aroma, while the inner layer Keep it tender and juicy.

In the Punjab area, hunting is still a nobility activity. When they enjoy this dish, they are mostly accompanied by Channa salad, and the green pepper chutney made with Kabuli chickpeas and sprouted mung beans that the hunter carries with them, which makes the taste sublimate.

The five main rivers in Punjab are rich in aquatic products for local fishermen every day. Fishermen prefer to cook fresh ingredients on the riverside in a simple way. Inspired by Palash, Kadai Machli (HK$268) is a smoked way to cook groupers, which are savoury and tasteful through the heat of the kiln oven, along with a refreshing summer curry. Extraordinarily highlights the scent of vanilla and the sourness of lemon juice.

For the Punjabi, whenever the street stalls in Lahore stop selling the charcoal-roasted corn that is ubiquitous in winter, they turn to bright, lustrous fruit, and each school is parked outside the roadside trolley, theater.

When the mosque is covered with colorful seasonal fruits, these small changes are marking the arrival of spring. Fruit Chaat (HK$128) in the new menu of New Punjab Club, featuring seasonal fruits, seasoned with cumin and pepper, served with tamarind cheese, lemon and salt to create a vibrant, refreshing fruit salad.

The restaurant carefully selects the freshest seasonal fruits on the market, including flawless Japanese strawberries, honeydew melon and Indian sassafras. It is also decorated with Pakistani mulberry. The sweetness of the acid brings a fresh taste and adds flavor to the dishes.

In addition, more new salad options include Mooli Salaad (HK$68), which is made with fresh and crispy radish, kohlrabi and pickled hot and sour mangoes; and Tamatar Aur Kheera Salaad (HK$78). Thick and juicy cow tomatoes and cucumbers grown in the local greenhouse.

For the vegetable dishes, Baingan Bhartha (HK$148) is the best quality of the season. The eggplant is served with ginger in a kiln oven. Bhindi Masala (HK$148) is a slow-cooking dish.

Seasoned with fresh turmeric and cumin for okra; also with soft cheese and large Saag Paneer with garlic and spinach (HK$208); Dal Makhani (HK$148) is a smoked lentils with fenugreek, which is best suited for baking cakes made with mud kilns. The aftertaste is endless.

South Asian food expert Palash Mitra shares the inspiration behind the new menu. “We want to showcase the best seasonal ingredients from the farmland and bushes of the season. Like any farming community, the Punjabi advocates harmony with nature. But don't worry if you like to eat sheep, the slow-cooked lamb shank is still listed in this season's menu."

The delicious dishes such as Mughal Room Makhani and Samosa Chaat, which are popular among hackers, remain on the menu.

Dishes and prices

TANDOORI VENISON - Mandegri Creek Venison, chana Salad – 468

KADAI MACHLI - Grouper, Tomato, Pepper – 268

FRUIT CHAAT - Summer fruit, berry, chaat masala spice powder - 128

MOOLI SALAAD - radish, kohlrabi, pickled mango – 68

TAMATAR AUR KHEERA SALAAD - Cattle Tomato, Greenhouse Cucumber – 78

BAINGAN BHARTHA - Baked eggplant, ginger - 148

BHINDI MASALA - Slow-cooked okra, fresh turmeric, cumin - 148

SAAG PANEER - Spinach, Soft Cheese, Garlic - 208

DAL MAKHANI – smoked black lentils, fenugreek – 148

About Black Sheep Restaurants Founded in Hong Kong in 2012 by Syed Asim Hussain and Christopher Mark, Black Sheep Restaurants is known for its innovative and themed dining experience. The two have decades of experience in the food service industry and business development. They also love to travel and discover the subculture of food.  

Black Sheep Restaurants is dedicated to a unique dining experience that allows guests to learn about unique times, countries, cultures or dishes while celebrating the best of local and international ingredients. The Group continues to innovate and rapidly expand its business in Hong Kong and other regions.

In December 2018, as BELON and New Punjab Club were awarded the Michelin Star Award, Syed Asim Hussain became the owner of the youngest restaurant with two Michelin star names worldwide, and New Punjab Club is the world's largest. The first restaurant in the Punjabi, which was awarded the Michelin star.

For more information: https://newpunjabclub.com/


NEW PUNJAB CLUB 呈獻全新季節時令菜餚



(香港,2019 年 5 月 2 日)作為以農為本的地區,四月乃是旁遮普繁忙的時期,這標誌著早春收割期的開始。為了收集冬天的收成,收割機的聲音無所不在,空氣因切割農作物而彌天漫著青澀的氣味,四周亦因為充斥著灰塵而變得朦朧。每一次的收割期均決定了大部份旁遮普人的全年生活,農作物豐收亦成為當地人最值得慶祝的盛事。剛榮獲米芝蓮一星的旁遮普餐廳 New Punjab Club 於這個回暖的季節推出充滿活力和色彩的全新菜餚,讓客人品嚐一系列以時令食材入饌清新開胃的共享菜式。


為慶祝此農作物豐收的季節,New Punjab Club 呈獻全新菜單,秉持傳統的旁遮普風味,繼續為熱情忠誠的饕客帶來當地的泥窰烤燒味道。

行政總廚 Palash Mitra 特別推介來自新南威爾士州曼德格里溪(Mandagery Creek)的泥窰烤鹿肉 Tandoori Venison(港幣 468 元)。在這個季節最適合品嚐鹿肉,將澳洲鹿肉先以茴香籽和查特香甜酒醃製,有助抵禦泥窰烤爐的高溫,再將其烤至外層帶點焦香,而內層則保持粉嫩多汁。於旁遮普地區,打獵仍然是屬於貴族的活動,他們享用這道菜時大多搭配 Channa 沙律,及以獵人隨身攜帶的 Kabuli 鷹嘴豆和發芽綠豆製成的青辣椒酸辣醬,令味道昇華。


Palash 以此為靈感創作出 Kadai Machli(港幣 268 元),這道菜式以煙燻方式烹調石斑魚,透過泥窰烤爐的高温鎖上鮮味與口感,配合清新醒胃的夏日咖哩香料,格外突出香草的芬香和檸檬汁的酸味。

對旁遮普人而言,每當拉合爾(Lahore)的街頭小檔開始停止售賣冬天無處不在的炭烤粟米,轉而擺賣明亮光澤的水果,每間學校外面停泊著路邊手推車,劇院和清真寺外均佈滿各種色彩鮮豔的季節性水果時,這些小轉變正標誌著春天的來臨。在 New Punjab Club 全新菜單中的 Fruit Chaat(港幣 128 元),採用了時令水果,以孜然和胡椒調味,配以羅望子乳酪、檸檬和鹽,製成一道充滿活力的清爽水果沙律。


此外,更多新的沙律選擇包括 Mooli Salaad(港幣 68 元),以鮮甜爽脆的蘿蔔、大頭菜和醃製酸辣芒果拌製而成;以及 Tamatar Aur Kheera Salaad (港幣 78 元),選用肉厚多汁的牛番茄和本地溫室種植的青瓜。

當造的蔬菜菜式方面, Baingan Bhartha(港幣 148 元)乃採用當季最優質的食材,以泥窰烤爐烤製茄子配生薑;Bhindi Masala(港幣 148 元)是一道慢煮菜式,以新鮮薑黃和小茴香為秋葵調味;還有以軟芝士和大

蒜煮菠菜的 Saag Paneer(港幣 208 元);而 Dal Makhani(港幣 148 元)則是一道加入葫蘆巴的煙燻小扁豆,最適合配以泥窰烤爐而製的烤麵餅,油香四溢、餘味無窮。

南亞美食專家 Palash Mitra 分享新菜單背後的創作靈感,他表示:「我們希望展示當季農田和灌木叢所出產最好的時令食材。與任何一個農業社區一樣,旁遮普人崇尚與自然和諧共融。但喜歡吃羊的客人別擔心,慢燉羊小腿仍然列於本季餐單之中。」

而廣受饕客愛戴的 Mughal Room Makhani 和 Samosa Chaat 等美味佳餚,依然保留於菜單上。



TANDOORI VENISON - 曼德格里溪鹿肉、chana 沙律 – 468

KADAI MACHLI - 石斑魚,番茄,胡椒 – 268

FRUIT CHAAT - 夏季水果,莓果,chaat masala 香料粉 - 128                                                

MOOLI SALAAD - 蘿蔔,大頭菜,醃製芒果 – 68           


BAINGAN BHARTHA - 烤製茄子,生薑 - 148

BHINDI MASALA- 慢煮秋葵,新鮮薑黃,小茴香 - 148

SAAG PANEER - 菠菜,軟芝士,大蒜- 208

DAL MAKHANI – 煙燻黑扁豆,胡蘆巴 – 148

有關Black Sheep Restaurants

Black Sheep Restaurants由Syed Asim Hussain和Christopher Mark於2012年在香港創立,以破格創新的主題餐飲體驗見稱。二人在餐飲服務業及業務拓展方面擁有數十年經驗,同樣熱愛旅遊及發掘飲食次文化。

Black Sheep Restaurants致力呈獻獨一無二的餐飲體驗,讓客人細意了解獨特的時期、國家、文化或菜式,同時頌揚琳琅滿目的本地及海外頂級食材。集團不斷推陳出新,於香港和其他地區迅速拓展業務。於2018 年12月,隨著BELON及New Punjab Club分別獲頒米芝蓮一星榮譽,Syed Asim Hussain成為全球擁有兩個米芝蓮星級榮譽的最年輕餐廳東主,New Punjab Club則是全球首間榮獲米芝蓮星級的旁遮普食府。


Haute Tease